Monday, February 29, 2016

The Eubanks Renew Their Vows

This was such a heartfelt occasion. I couldn't even hold back the tears in some moments during the ceremony. Their marriage had been tried and tested, almost ripped apart. But they took a stand in faith to fight. And what a fight it was. They shared some of their most raw and revealing emotions with their guests during a video diary, shown before the ceremony. A true testimony to how far they have come as a couple. I was honored to capture this precious day. This amazing celebration of what God can do when you give it all to Him. Enjoy. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

The Miller's are Expecting a Surprise!

This family is so full of love and joy. I asked these sweet boys what they want as a new sibling and they all said a sister. Well, except for the youngest, William. Louder than the rest, he yelled, "BROTHER!" Counting down the days now until their newest addition arrives. Enjoy.