Monday, April 27, 2015

Stylishly Covered by Munah's Cupcake

I have this friend, Jacie. She makes some amazing little goodies. I thought it would be fun to interview her, since I own quite a few of her products. (I cant stop) They are quality though and she's a fellow Jesus lover, homeschooling mama with a house full of kids. So why not?

Meet Jacie
Creator of the Stylishly Covered Nursing Scarf

1. What is the reason you started Stylishy Covered?
I started Stylishly Covered when I learned how to sew simple, but fashionable Nursing Scarves for breastfeeding moms. It all started on Instagram where I was posting pictures of all my creations, when I started giving suggestions to sell them. Stylishly Covered is the name I came up with for the Scarves because they are stylishly "covering" you while you modestly breastfeed your baby in public. (I'm big on wardrobe modesty). Since the Nursing Scarves, I have also branched out to making turban style headbands, baby leggings, skirts, and custom shirt designs.

2. If you could make anything what would it be?
I would really like to get comfortable with sewing shirts so that I can create stylish modest, mom-tummy friendly blouses that compliment and disguise at the same time. 

3. What is your all time favorite piece you have made thus far?
My favorite thing that I have made this far is torn between my Nursing Scarves, and  matching sets of MC Harem Pants, with matching Bibdana/ Turband. One is a favorite for me, but the other is a "Give me another sneak peek favorite for the kids"

You can read more of her story here.... And purchase her items here. Or follow her on instagram @munahscupcake for more of her latest creations!

But for now, you can view some faves right HERE!

I am a SUCKER for a good baseball tee, so naturally I could not pass this one up.

And then there's this glorious t-shirt, the #momlife checklist. It was indeed a must have.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Time for Something New

Why the Change?
I've gone back and forth a few times about changing the name of my photography. With giving the kids the opportunity to learn and create, I dubbed their precious shots Little Lambs photography, because I have a blog named Three Little Lambs where I spill my heart out about what God is leading me through.
Recently, my family and I have gotten hands on with a heavy subject, human trafficking. We have had the opportunity to be used creatively to let survivors know they are loved. It is turning into more even as I type this. As I try to just hold a piece of the gravity at work, I realized Three Little Lambs is the signature as well as the heart of what we are doing. My kids are fully aware of the dangers but even more so, they are interested to know how they can help. Three Little Lambs has become more than a blog, more than photography, and homesechool photography lessons, it has become a contributor to a non profit organization. The Rescue One foundation to be more specific. They help rescue, aid and mentor victims of human trafficking, both locally and globally. In a few weeks, I will be posting our creations to sell as well as let you know other ways that you can get involved. 100% of these proceeds will go to the Rescue One Foundation.
In the words of Bob Goff, "I used to think you had to be special for God to use you, but now I know you simply need to say yes."
God is not only using my husband and I, but He is also using our children to serve others. He has already equipped us, at birth, for what we are doing right now. All we had to do was say Yes. So that's what we are doing. And we are showing our children how to say yes, how they can let God use them to care for others as well. This is a family affair because unity is strength.
Follow me on Instagram for more @threelittlelambz and follow @rescueonefoundation or for upcoming missions, prayer, testimonies, as well as daily inspirations.