Monday, January 19, 2015

A Photographer's Daughter


Shaelynn loves to take pictures and she actually prefers to be behind the lens rather than in front of it. Wonder where she gets that from. With the flexibility of homeschool, I thought I would shake things up with a crash course in photography >>fit for a 6yr old<<. Every day after school, we looked forward to it. She couldn't wait to hear what the new rule in focus would be. However, what I really love about photography is the art of breaking rules. With little hands on the lens, there are many broken rules to admire.

The idea of this project was to have fun and connect with Shaelynn in an area we both love. I am not only impressed by her eye, I am deeply touched by the gift she has given me. These photos let me see the way my kids see me, how they see each other. Ways that I have missed before.

These shots were not forced. Except for the unicorn- that was the biggest pain ever. But, seriously, this experience was so relaxed. I just gave her simple guidelines and handed her the camera. That easy.

With all of that being said, it didn't feel right putting my name on pictures I didn't take. So, Shaelynn and I dubbed them appropriately.

I present to you, some very treasured images by Little Lambs Photography.
Behold the eye of my artistic little rule breaker.







  1. Holy cow! She's awesome!!!!! Definitely following in your footsteps!!!!! Love all of these!
