Monday, April 27, 2015

Stylishly Covered by Munah's Cupcake

I have this friend, Jacie. She makes some amazing little goodies. I thought it would be fun to interview her, since I own quite a few of her products. (I cant stop) They are quality though and she's a fellow Jesus lover, homeschooling mama with a house full of kids. So why not?

Meet Jacie
Creator of the Stylishly Covered Nursing Scarf

1. What is the reason you started Stylishy Covered?
I started Stylishly Covered when I learned how to sew simple, but fashionable Nursing Scarves for breastfeeding moms. It all started on Instagram where I was posting pictures of all my creations, when I started giving suggestions to sell them. Stylishly Covered is the name I came up with for the Scarves because they are stylishly "covering" you while you modestly breastfeed your baby in public. (I'm big on wardrobe modesty). Since the Nursing Scarves, I have also branched out to making turban style headbands, baby leggings, skirts, and custom shirt designs.

2. If you could make anything what would it be?
I would really like to get comfortable with sewing shirts so that I can create stylish modest, mom-tummy friendly blouses that compliment and disguise at the same time. 

3. What is your all time favorite piece you have made thus far?
My favorite thing that I have made this far is torn between my Nursing Scarves, and  matching sets of MC Harem Pants, with matching Bibdana/ Turband. One is a favorite for me, but the other is a "Give me another sneak peek favorite for the kids"

You can read more of her story here.... And purchase her items here. Or follow her on instagram @munahscupcake for more of her latest creations!

But for now, you can view some faves right HERE!

I am a SUCKER for a good baseball tee, so naturally I could not pass this one up.

And then there's this glorious t-shirt, the #momlife checklist. It was indeed a must have.

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